Authorizes the holder to take or attempt to take furbearing animals (including raccoon, opossum, skunk, nutria, beaver, coyote, bobcat, and otter) with a live trap or snare and to sell furbearers' hides and meat to a licensed fur and hide dealer. Further authorizes the holder of a recreational hunting license to take and possess furbearers or their parts for commercial purposes and to sell such animals. Required of anyone except residents aged 65 or older. License fees:
Annual Resident: $26.50
Annual Non-Resident: $26.50
Please see the current Florida Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits for more information.
A furbearer trapping license is not required for wild hogs since they aren't considered game animals. Landowner permission is required to hunt or trap wild hogs. A Feral Swine Dealer Permit issued by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (1-850-410-0900) is required to transport live wild hogs.