Local business taxes are determined based on the business type, its location within a city or unincorporated Miami-Dade County, and various factors such as the number of employees, seating capacity, units, square footage, or other specific characteristics.
Local business taxes are assessed according to the type of business, if it’s in a city or in unincorporated Miami-Dade County, as well as by the number of employees, seats, units, square footage or other characteristics.
Explore Business Tax Categories by Alphabetical Range.
Explore businesses categorized under A-B, including specific tax requirements and assessments tailored to the type of business, size, and location
Explore businesses categorized under C-D, including specific tax requirements and assessments tailored to the type of business, size, and location
Explore businesses categorized under E-G, including specific tax requirements and assessments tailored to the type of business, size, and location
Explore businesses categorized under H-M, including specific tax requirements and assessments tailored to the type of business, size, and location
Explore businesses categorized under N-R, including specific tax requirements and assessments tailored to the type of business, size, and location
Explore businesses categorized under S-Z, including specific tax requirements and assessments tailored to the type of business, size, and location