Transferring a Florida Title

To transfer ownership of a Florida vehicle/vessel title you must, at minimum, have the following:

  • Proof of identity: A driver's license or identification card from any state or a passport. Identification must be current and valid

  • Proof of ownership: A Florida Title must be submitted and filled out properly as shown below

A Florida Title example

  1. Purchaser’s Name

  2. Purchaser’s Address

  3. Selling Price

  4. Date Sold

Odometer Disclosure, which includes:

  1. Choosing 5 or 6 digits

  2. Odometer Reading

  3. Date Read

  4. Choosing a status of Actual, In Excess, or Not Actual

  5. Seller’s Signature

  6. Seller’s Printed Name

  7. Co-Seller’s Signature (as needed)

  8. Co-Seller’s Printed Name (as needed)

Sections to be completed by the PURCHASER only as follows:

  1. Purchaser’s Signature

  2. Purchaser’s Printed Name

  3. Co-Purchaser’s Signature (as needed)

  4. Co-Purchaser’s Printed Name (as needed)

Note: It is advisable that the seller provides a bill of sale to the purchaser. HSMV 82050 can be used if needed.

  • You must have valid Florida insurance and registration. For insurance information, visit FLHSMV's insurance page

  • Payment of fees for sales tax and title

For more information about vehicle titles, visit the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

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